C.1. Kernel printer port support

C.1.1. About Kernel modules

The Linux kernel is the core of the operating system. Adding many features would reduce Linux's performance. The solution is to compile (build) the kernel with basic features that almost everyone will want, but to allow other features to be added on later as modules. Your printer will not work without kernel support.

You may already have run a check for kernel printer port support using dmesg in the section on Linux kernel printer support. You can double-check, install and remove kernel modules with modconf (module configuration utility).

C.1.2. Parallel printer support

C.1.2.2. Select a module category

NoteNcurses navigation

Use the arrow keys and the <Tab> key to make your selections. Selected items are highlighted in blue. Use the <Enter> key to confirm your selection.

Select Category menu
   kernel/drivers/parport   Parallel port support.

Loaded modules are tagged with a plus sign (+). You need two modules for a standard PC parallel port: parport and parport_pc.

C.1.2.3. Check the status of parallel port modules

You already have parallel port support if you see plus signs (+).

Select kernel/drivers/parport modules menu
   parport       + Parallel-port support
   parport_pc    + PC-style hardware

If either is flagged with minus signs (-), go straight on to the next section on installing parallel port modules.

If both modules are already installed, exit from the menu, exit from modconf and exit from the Root user's account.

Select kernel/drivers/parport modules menu
   Exit    Finished. Return to previous menu.
Select Category menu
   Exit    Finished. Return to previous menu.
# exit

Finished with this appendix!

C.1.2.4. Install parallel port modules

You do not have parallel port support if you see minus signs (-) on either parport or parport_pc.

Select kernel/drivers/parport modules menu
   parport       - Parallel-port support
   parport_pc    - PC-style hardware

Install each module by highlighting it (in blue) and choosing <Ok>. If you are asked for any command line arguments, it is safe to leave the entry box blank. Anyone who uses a printer that needs command line arguments would probably know what the arguments are.

Select kernel/drivers/parport modules menu
   parport       - Parallel-port support
   parport_pc    - PC-style hardware

When both modules are installed, exit from the menu, exit from modconf and exit from the Root user's account.

Select kernel/drivers/parport modules menu
   Exit    Finished. Return to previous menu.
Select Category menu
   Exit    Finished. Return to previous menu.
# exit

Finished with this appendix!

C.1.3. USB printer support

WarningThis section is untested

I do not have a USB printer, so this is my 'best guess' at how to install one. If you get a USB printer working please let me know () and I will update this document.

C.1.3.2. Select a module category

NoteNcurses navigation

Use the arrow keys and the <Tab> key to make your selections. Selected items are highlighted in blue. Use the <Enter> key to confirm your selection.

Select Category menu
kernel/drivers/usb       Universal Serial Bus (USB).

Loaded modules are tagged with a plus sign (+).

C.1.3.3. Check the status of USB port modules

You already have USB printer support if you see a plus sign (+) against USB Printer support.

Select kernel/drivers/parport modules menu
   printer    + USB Printer support

If there is a minus sign (-), go straight on to the next section on installing the USB printer module.

If the module is already installed, exit from the menu, exit from modconf and exit from the Root user's account.

Select kernel/drivers/parport modules menu
   Exit    Finished. Return to previous menu.
Select Category menu
   Exit    Finished. Return to previous menu.
# exit

Finished with this appendix!

C.1.3.4. Install the USB printer module

You do not have USB support if you see a minus signs (-) against USB Printer support.

Select kernel/drivers/usb modules menu
   printer    - USB Printer support

Install the module by highlighting it (in blue) and choosing <Ok>. If you do not know of any command line arguments, leave the entry box blank.

Select kernel/drivers/usb modules menu
   printer       - USB Printer support
printer menu
   Install this module in the kernel?
Enter Command-Line Arguments menu   _________________________________

When you have installed the module, exit from the menu, exit from modconf and exit from the Root user's account.

Select kernel/drivers/usb modules menu
   Exit    Finished. Return to previous menu.
Select Category menu
   Exit    Finished. Return to previous menu.
# exit

Finished with this appendix!

Appendix: About this document