5. Configure the printer using cups

5.1. Set default options for your printer

Navigate to Admin main menu page. Find your printer's menu in the Printer menu page. Choose Configure Printer.

Admin menu
   Printer menu
      printer-name menu
      Configure Printer

You will probably want to configure the page size straight away. You can always make other configuration changes later.

Admin menu: Choose default options for printername. 
    Page size: A4

Printer printer-name has been configured successfully.

5.2. Test your printer from cups

Navigate to Admin main menu page. Find your printer's menu in the Printer menu page. Choose Configure Printer.

Admin menu
   Printers menu
   Manage Printers

Print a test page to check the new cups configuration.

Printer menu
Print Test Page

Reconfigure your printer if necessary (see the previous section on setting default options). When you are happy with the result, print a page from an application, eg a text editor.