1. Introduction

1.1. About lpr and lprng

lpr/lpd is the BSD line printer spooling system. lprng is an enhanced, extended, and portable version of lpr. lpr is the system that is installed by default on a standard Debian 3.0 installation. If you have a non-PostScript printer, you must create a filter file called /etc/printcap (normally using apsfilter or magicfilter). Together with the ghostscript PostScript interpreter, the filter turns your PostScript output into the output needed for a non-PostScript printer.

This document is describes cups, not lpr. If you wish to use lpr, read the document describing how to configure printing using lpr at http://newbiedoc.sourceforge.net/peripherals/printer-magicfilter.html.

1.2. About cups

cups is the Common UNIX Printing System it is a replacement for replacement for lpr and lprng. lpr or lprng will be removed, but your existing /etc/printcap file will remain on your system (unless you remove it using the purge option).

Each cups printer has a Postscript Printer Description (.ppd) file (see the Linux Dictionary at www.tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Dictionary/html/index.html).

You can find .ppd files for many printers using the Foomatic database (Debian packages foomatic-bin and foomatic-db).If you cannot find your printer there, you can download many .ppd files from http://www.linuxprinting.org/. A few manufacturers, such as Samsung, provide their own .ppd files. Visit your printer manufacturer's web site.

cups has an HTML front end. There are alternative front ends for cups available in the Debian 3.0 distribution such as gtklp (Gnome), qtcups (KDE) and xpp. This document describes the use of the HTML front end only.

1.3. Outline of the installation

NoteUse of # for remarks

The # character normally represents a command prompt. Here it indicates a comment line.


# Check for parallel port or USB support in the Linux kernel
dmesg | grep parport
dmesg | grep usb

# Install cups
apt-get install cupsys cupsys-bsd cupsys-client cupsys-driver-gimpprint cupsys-pstoraster libcupsys2

# Install foomatic
apt-get install foomatic-bin foomatic-db

# Use a browser to visit the local cups Admin web page

# Log in to the cups Admin web page as root
User Name:

# Install your printer in cups
Add printer 

# Configure your printer in cups
Configure Printer

# Test your printer from cups
Print Test Page

# Optional: install an alternative front end for managing cups
# gtklp (Gnome)
apt-get install gtklp
# or qtcups (KDE)
apt-get install qtcups
# or xpp
apt-get install xpp