dpkg is the program which controls all the installation of .deb packages. This program
can be used to help you find particular files or information about a program you may
have installed but can't seem to get working.
Suppose you just installed a program but you can't find any documentation in the usual
places (i.e. /usr/share/doc/). How would you find out where the
package put the documentation? Let's pretend I didn't know where abiword installed it's
documentation. I would use the dpkg command like this to find it:
bash$ dpkg --listfiles abiword |
This simply tells dpkg to list all the files that were installed with the abiword package.
Here's the result of that command:
In the example above you can see the doc directory quite nicely but in reality
when I executed this command all the files scrolled right off the screen and I wasn't able to read
any of them. For especially large packages with lots of files we are going to need to enlist
the help of another program called grep. Here's the new command to find what we are looking for:
bash$ dpkg --listfiles abiword | grep doc |
 | The "|" character or pipe as it's called is typed by pressing
This command tells dpkg to list all the files installed by abiword and then send that list to the
program grep. grep then searches through the list looking for any occurrence of the word "doc".
When grep finds the word doc on a line it prints that line to the computer screen. Here's what
the output looks like:
This is much easier to read then the previous example, and as you can see, it only printed out lines
with the occurrence of "doc". The files didn't scroll of the screen and it's a nice short list. I
can now look in those directories and see what I can find. This might seem like a silly example,
but if you look closely you can use this to search for all kinds of things. You could replace "doc"
with any word you are looking for. Some examples which come to mind might be "help", "ref", "html",
"config", "conf", "etc", and "examples".
For more information about using grep, check out the NewbieDoc grep document.