Setting up a CD-R or CDRW drive on an IDE PC

Chris Lale


Revision History
Revision 1.014th August 2002Revised by: CTL
Initial release
Revision 1.128th August 2002Revised by: CTL
Modified in response to comments. New sections added: "Checklist" and "Where to find out more".
Revision 1.231st August 2002Revised by: CTL
Modified in response to comments.

Table of Contents
1. About this article
1.1. Copyright information
1.2. Bugs, errors and mistakes
1.3. Spelling, punctuation and grammar
2. Preparing for the installation
2.1. System requirements
2.2. CD (re-)writer drive details
2.3. SCSI emulation
2.4. Text editor
2.5. The adduser and deluser utilities
3. Changing the kernel
3.1. Precautions
3.2. Installing the new kernel
3.3. If things go wrong
4. Installing the basic software
5. Setting up scsi emulation
5.1. Installing the ide-scsi module in the kernel
5.2. Checking that the kernel is running ide-scsi
5.3. Modifying the lilo.conf file
6. Using the cd writer for the first time
6.1. Configuring cdrecord
6.2. Testing the cd (re-)writer
6.3. Making your CD (re-)writer available as a device
6.4. Burning a test CD
7. Adding a front end for X
7.1. X-CD-Roast
7.2. cdrtoaster
7.3. gcombust
7.4. GnomeToaster
8. Checklist
9. Where to find more information