6. Personalizing vim

6.1. vimrc files

Vim is a very customizable editor. Many of the options you can set require you to type in a command like this:

:set autoindent

This is the option to set autoindent which keeps the indentation level you are currently at when you hit the enter key. Rather than retype this command every time you want this option enabled, vim has a resource file it checks to see which options you would like set when vim starts. Technically, there are two such files, /etc/vimrc, and ~/.vimrc. Within these files you can set standard options which will automatically be set when you start vim.

The /etc/vimrc is the system wide configuration file and shouldn't really be edited unless you know what you are doing or you're the administrator for that machine. The ~/.vimrc file is located in your home directory (that's what the ~/ means, in case you were wondering) and is meant specifically for the purpose of customization.


Before editing a vimrc file it's a good idea to back it up just in case you mess it up beyond repair.

You can see a list of available options that can be set by typing the following command:

:set all

The output of that command looks something like this:

autoindent        noincsearch           scroll=18           textwidth=0
noautowrite         noinfercase         noscrollbind        notildeop
background=dark   noinsertmode          scrolljump=1        timeout
backspace=2         isprint=@,161-255   scrolloff=0         timeoutlen=1000
nobackup              joinspaces        nosecure            notitle
backupext=~         key=                selectmode=         titlelen=85
nobinary              keymodel=           shell=/bin/bash     titlestring=
nocindent             keywordprg=man      shellcmdflag=-c   nottimeout
cinoptions=         langmap=            shellquote=         ttimeoutlen=-1
cmdheight=1         laststatus=1        shellxquote=        ttybuiltin
columns=98        nolazyredraw        noshiftround          ttyfast
nocompatible        nolinebreak           shiftwidth=4        ttymouse=xterm
noconfirm             lines=38          noshortname           ttyscroll=999
cpoptions=aABceFs nolisp                showbreak=          ttytype=xterm
dictionary=       nolist              noshowcmd             undolevels=1000
nodigraph             listchars=eol:$   noshowfulltag         updatecount=200
display=            magic               showmatch           updatetime=4000
noedcompatible        makeprg=make        showmode            verbose=0
endofline           matchtime=5         sidescroll=0        viminfo='20,"50
equalalways         maxfuncdepth=100  nosmartcase           visualbell
equalprg=           maxmapdepth=1000  nosmartindent         warn
noerrorbells          maxmem=5120       nosmarttab          noweirdinvert
noexpandtab           modelines=5         startofline         wildcharm=^@
noexrc              nomodified            statusline=         wildignore=
fileencoding=ansi   more                swapfile          nowildmenu
fileformat=unix     mouse=              swapsync=fsync      wildmode=full
filetype=           mousemodel=extend   switchbuf=          winheight=1
formatoptions=tcq   mousetime=500       syntax=             winminheight=1
formatprg=        nonumber              tabstop=4           wrap
nogdefault          nopaste               tagbsearch          wrapmargin=0
grepprg=grep -n     pastetoggle=        taglength=0         wrapscan
helpheight=20       patchmode=          tagrelative         write

As you can see there are a lot of options to set/unset. To get more information on what an option does simply type :help name_of_option replacing name_of_option with the option you're interested in.

Once you decide how you want an option to be set you can add it to your ~/.vimrc file. Using the autoindent example above, simply add this line to your vimrc file:

set autoindent "this sets the autoindent option
" set noautoindent

Comments are created in vimrc files using the " (quote) character. As you can see I put a comment next to the autoindent option and also added a "commented out" option which disables the previous noautoindent option I had set. Most of the options follow this convention; if you wish to disable it, simply put no in front of the option.

For more information about vimrc files type:

:help vimrc

6.2. Color Schemes

TODO. Need some useful examples of color schemes. Anyone want to coauthor?

For more information about color schemes type:


6.3. Syntax highlighting

If you installed the vim-rt package described in Installing vim, all you have to do to enable syntax highlighting is add syntax on to your .vimrc file. The highlighting syntax is chosen based on filename extension so it happens pretty much automatically.

You can change the default colors of a syntax highlight by using the highlight command. For example, to change all comments to the color green type:

:highlight Comment ctermfg=green

The second argument to that command is the group name. To make the setting permanent simply add it to your .vimrc.


In order for the color change to work the highlight command should come after the syntax on command in your .vimrc.

To see what group names are available to be changed type:

:help group-name

The available colors can be found by typing:

:help cterm-colors


Some colors may not be available. Reference :help xterm-colors and :help xiterm for more information.

TODO. Need some useful examples of customized syntax. Anyone want to coauthor?

For more information about syntax highlighting type:

:help syntax

6.4. Abbreviations

Abbreviations are just shortcuts you type which expand to longer versions of themselves. You can create an abbreviation simply by typing:

:ab dmv Department of Motor Vehicles

Abbreviations take the form:

:ab abbreviation Full text, spaces are ok

What happens is when you type the abbreviation in vim, as soon as you hit the space bar it is expanded to the full text. The abbreviation dmv in the prior example would expand to "Department of Motor Vehicles." If you close vim these settings are lost unless you commit them to your .vimrc file.

Unless you are only using the abbreviation on a small document, abbreviations are usually added to your personal .vimrc file. This is accomplished by adding the abbreviation like this:

ab abbreviation Everything after abbreviation will be input


To find out which abbreviations you currently have defined, just type :ab and hit enter and the abbreviation definition will show up in the "status bar."

For more information about abbreviations type:

:help ab