Reference for writing newbieDoc articles using lyx

Chris Lale


Revision History
Revision 0.0115 April 2004Revised by: cl
Initial release

This is a collection of information for anyone using lyx to write DocBook articles for the newbieDoc project ( The instructions in this document are known to work lyx version 1.3.3 running in Debian 3.0 (Woody).

Table of Contents
1. Quick start
2. How to build the newbieDoc template from scratch
2.1. Copyright licence information
2.2. Page header
2.3. Article title
2.4. Author's name
2.5. Affiliation
2.6. Revision history
2.7. Abstract
3. lyxstyles used in newbieDoc
3.1. Section
3.2. Subsection
3.3. Subsubsection, Paragraph and Subparagraph
3.4. Standard text (<para></para>)
3.5. Lists
3.6. Code, screen and xscreen
3.7. Character data (CDATA)
3.9. HTML metadata keywords
4. Inline elements
4.1. Emphasis style
5. Tables
5.1. Inserting a table
5.2. Links
5.3. Specify a language
6. ERT (Evil Red Text)
6.1. Command
6.2. Filename
6.3. Combined Command and Filename
6.4. Application
6.5. Other SGML styles
A. Appendix - About this document
A.1. Copyright information
A.2. Latest version
A.3. Bugs, errors and mistakes
A.4. Spelling, punctuation and grammar
A.5. Conventions used in this document
B. Appendix: Analysis of lyx styles and layout files